I would love to see more articles on this subject. Very thought provoking.

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I do have inner monologue (all the time), and I am critical thinker, BUT anyway, I believed in the scam for two years - and even got 3 jabs of Moderna... How was this possible? 1. I was so busy with a project that I couldn't lose any time on analyzing the news deeply. 2. I believed that citizens are protected by our constitution and laws - I believed that authorities do mean well. I wasn't able to imagine that anyone could be so evil to hurt us on purpose. 3. I was distracted by local political right-left fight. 4. I am ashamed, but I have to admit that I believed the psyops that there are people who irrationally believe in different kinds of conspiracies... I believed the narrative that there are "non-vaxxers" who are selfish and enthretening the others. I believed the labels such as "conspiracy theorist", "non-vaxxer", etc. And I think it is important to say that in the spring 2020 I spent enormous time on the social media (Facebook). I have noticed that I am quite aggressive on social media, although in real life, at personal contacts, I rather tend to be tolerant.

So I have to apologize to you too (I have already apologized to all my friends who were trying to warn me, but I didn't believe them because I thought they were manipulated (sic!)).

In my opinion, this is not happening in the rational level, but our unconsciousness has been tricked. I found the answers in Adam Curtis' documentary series "The Century of the Self" (2002), you can find all four parts on Rumble.

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I found the Emotional Tone scale useful and also fits into your views. All the best.


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