I liked this article, it reminds me of very nice article called "Broken Clockwerk of Western mind" from https://neociceroniantimes.wordpress.com/

Just to add few insights, I totally agree our current situation is result of lost religion. People need religion either god like or systematic religion which was based on science like communism or capitalism. This vacuum is fueling the people seek for something higher above them. In old times it was empiror, king or ruler who they could into for high principle. This was dismantled in begging of 19th century with industrial revolution. Like the Theophilus Chilton wrote already, since people vote and create their governments they are getting cyclical into period of fashism. It's due to tendency of crowd and mass formation which gave rise of inquisition and nazi regime. Similar to this the mechanical view of world which can be resembled to micro particles and reinvented is also one of reason for today misery, they don't count with human beings, soul but only with resources and when you compute everything you are finished, becouse there is no future. In last part it's the linear progress belief which is not true, in nature there has been always cycles like described in book Fourth Turning.

The question is currently this, when we dismantled every ideology and didn't setup new one, shouldn't we start formulating new one? This is currently most crutial thing and I believe, there is no grand global theory, it has to be local one and come from human being. The one who will formulate this ideology will be leading the part of the world and has to speak the language common to their inhabitants. And it's not AI.

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Interesting article. Localism is something I write about a lot, but call it decentralization (or voluntarism at its extreme end).

Regarding your question: The problem is that, for the 99% of us, we're not organized whereas the global parasite class is organized and actively implementing there ideology FOR US. That's terrifying. We should move to decentralization of ideas and systems - let the best ones rise to the top instead of a centralized bureaucracy. The latter which is always full of the Schwab types.

Are you familiar with Mark Passio's work? He describes the current world as a left-brain imbalance - essentially we've veered so far off-course from a normalized, rational brain function and are instead stuck in this materialistic, scientism mindset. We've forgotten the other half of the brain so to speak and, more importantly, how to align them for a harmonious world.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Liked by Road to Liberation

My mistake, the correct link for article is this:


I agree with you and I think it's correct interpretation. The problem is that it's always easier to destroy something than to build. So, the swarm class uses technology and systems which were build by very smart people long time ago to their advantage. They don't have any plan just to take over and there are we now. They understand how to hack and abuse the system but they don't know how to fix the system or even how it was build. So the result is failure. The problem now, is that we created interconnected system which depends on each other. So people don't want to let anything to fall becouse it would harm them too. This has to be dismantled. When people will see, that one group is doing better, becouse they don't have idiots with pretty face in government but wise people who know what they doing, they will reflect on that too. Similar is the competition, if you don't allow anyone to compete, then you have rigid class with no clue who is better or worse.

Regarding the Mark Passio, I don't know his books but I agree with the idea. We have huge imbalance and I can say, that this imbalance is systematic. It's due to pension system. Old and retired people are now supported more and more by working class which now feels really crushed by amount of work and duties overwhelming them. If you want people to be human, you have to provide time to think, interact, talk and also to be bored and have some spiritual or cultural connection. This has been on decline since 2008 mostly due to financial crisis. So it's interlinked, when you repair economy, fix pension system to be real, stop lying people about their finances and give them some meaningful work, time to have conversation, fun, family and time off the people mind will also change.

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I like the way you think. We have a similar worldview.

I think it was Mark Booth's book "The Secret History of the World" that he posited that certain historical figures were brought forth from the occult / mystery schools at critical junctures in time to fundamentally change how the mind works. Artists included certain motifs and themes into their work to bring different ways of thinking into the world - literally changing how we function. Sounds like what you're getting at with the last sentence there - give people meaning and the way humanity functions changes as well.

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Yes, I noticed that also recently. When you see movies from 1990 and compare them to new movies you can see shift around 2015 when they started to include a lot of hidden messaging into movies - pandemic, catastropy, diversity, gender, apocalypse, overpopulation and others. It's called I think subliminal messages. They include pictures and visions into movies which unconsciously change how the person feels. I think there was one episode of Simpsons parodying this. There are also nudging techniques, which they deployed in full scale since 2020. So yes, someone truly take it seriously and started to manipulate with people against their own will. I think Noah Harry also describe it openly in his lectures. They call it "hack" human being. https://youtu.be/NV0CtZga7qM

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Yes, I've written about subliminal messaging before. And the Simpsons are famous for doing so. Same with Family Guy. And same with the anti-vaxx propaganda that was being pushed for 2-3 years before COVID hit.

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It's always nice to discuss and meet someone with similar background and opinion. I will lookup the article and I also noticed you have written about smartphones making people more stupid. I like that and I think it's alfa and omega of the problem.

Anyway, usually during conversation with same minded people, there come time I have to always ask not very pleasant question which makes people not very happy. But I have to. So, echm, do you have some plan or idea what to do with this mess? 👀

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Road to Liberation

Great in-depth article.

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